NN Group, VIVAT and Centraal Beheer: together for sustainability

For NN Group, being a positive force in the lives of our customers includes contributing to the wellbeing of the wider society. As a goodcorporate citizen, we want to use our resources, expertise and reach to help society achieve long-term sustainable prosperity.

In line with this goal, NN Group and Dutch insurers VIVAT and Centraal Beheer are collaborating on sustainability. Together, the companies are investigating the opportunitiesthe circular economy can bring to financial services companies.

The circular economy is an alternative to the traditional linear economy (‘take, make, dispose’). In a circular economy, we use resources for as long as possible, extract the maximum value from them, then recover and regenerate products and materials at the end of the service life. The three companies joined the Blue City Circular Challenge a circular economy project that challenges students and young professionals to research how materials from car wrecks can be ‘upcycled’(instead of only recycled or ‘downcycled’). Through this upcycle process, the materials gain a higher value. 

On 27 June, the three companies followed up with an innovation deep dive, to discuss the opportunities the circular economy offers. Renewable energy at home, reducing medicine waste, and refurbished insurance possibilities were top discussion points. The session resulted in several new ideas that will be investigated, further developed, and maybe incorporated in our daily insurance business. The successful event unleashed positive energy to really make a change.

This video will give you an impression of the  day.

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