Our climate approach
Climate change is one of the most pressing risks of our time. The world has experienced many negative changes due to global warming, including extreme weather and disruptions in livelihood. If we do not take rapid action as a global community, there will be lasting consequences to ecosystems, human health and security.
Transition to a low-carbon economy
NN Group can play a key role in ensuring a sustainable future for all generations, as we know that the choices we make today impact the world of tomorrow. We are committed to accelerating a just transition to a low-carbon economy, where no one is left behind.
Net-zero by 2050

Our commitment is to align all our business activities with the goals of the Paris Agreement to help limit global warming to 1.5°C. We have set separate net-zero targets for our operations by 2040 and for our proprietary investments and insurance underwriting by 2050. To help us determine the direction and monitor the effectiveness of our net-zero investment strategy, we have also set intermediate targets.
Our approach
Help accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy to limit the rise in average global temperature to 1.5°C. For example by using a range of levers such as engagement, capital allocation to climate solutions, and phase-out and/or exclusion policies.
Develop and offer products and services that address the environmental challenges our customers face. For example, by developing new products and services that contribute to a low-carbon economy, or by helping insure our customers against climate-related impact.
Climate Action Plan
In our NN Climate Action plan, we outline our plans to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to reach our net-zero goal. Our Climate Action Plan includes target setting for asset categories within our investment and financing activities and insurance underwriting. We regularly update our Climate Action Plan and report on our progress in the Annual Report.
Read more about our road to net-zero
We have aligned our net-zero strategies with our activities and how we are organised. Read more about our strategies from different perspectives: