Corporate governance

NN Group N.V. (NN Group) is a public limited company (naamloze vennootschap) incorporated under the laws of the Netherlands and has a two-tier board structure consisting of an Executive Board (Raad van Bestuur) and a Supervisory Board (Raad van Commissarissen). NN Group also has a Management Board. NN Group mandatorily applies the full large company regime. 

NN Group recognises the importance of good corporate governance and as such is managed by a disciplined, highly motivated and experienced team. NN Group's Executive and Management Board members have many years of experience in the financial services industry, having held significant and varied roles.   

For NN’s strategic opportunities and challenges, diversity is paramount to ensure a wide range of relevant perspectives and views. Our approach to reaching a diverse and inclusive composition of our Executive Board, Management Board, Supervisory Board and senior management is included in the Diversity and Inclusion Policy for the Executive Board, Management Board, Supervisory Board and senior management of NN Group N.V.   

Diversity and Inclusion Policy for the Executive Board, Management Board, Supervisory Board and senior management of NN Group N.V.   

The Executive Board 

The Executive Board is entrusted with the management, the strategy and the operations of NN Group under the supervision of the Supervisory Board. As of 1 July 2022, the Executive Board of NN Group comprises of David Knibbe, chair and Chief Executive Officer, and Annemiek van Melick, vice-chair and Chief Financial Officer. 

The Management Board 

The Management Board is entrusted with the day-to-day management of NN Group and the overall strategic direction of NN Group. In performing its duties, the Management Board must carefully consider and act in accordance with the interests of NN Group and its associated business, taking into consideration the interests of all the stakeholders of NN Group. The members of the Management Board acknowledge that the authority to manage NN Group is vested in the Executive Board as a whole, notwithstanding that each of the members of the Management Board is responsible and accountable towards the Executive Board and within the Management Board for the specific tasks as assigned. The Management Board, through the Executive Board, is required to keep the Supervisory Board informed on important matters and the members of the Management Board will attend Supervisory Board meetings if so requested. 


Management Board

As per 1 July 2022 the Management Board of NN Group consists of:

Supervisory Board

As per 2 June 2023 the Supervisory Board of NN Group consists of:

      Management Board Charter

      The Executive Board has drawn up and adopted a Charter for the Management Board which includes the duties, powers and working methods of the Management Board and information on the Management Board’s relationships with the Executive Board, the Supervisory Board (through the Executive Board) and shareholders. The Management Board Charter was acknowledged by the Management Board and should be read in conjunction with the Executive Board Charter.

      Charter of the Management Board incl Annexes (PDF 254 KB)

      Executive Board Charter

      With the approval of the Supervisory Board, the Executive Board has drawn up a Charter which includes its duties, powers and working methods of the Executive Board and information on the Executive Board’s relationships with the Management Board, the Supervisory Board, the shareholders and the Works Council. 

      Charter of the Executive Board incl Annexes (PDF 272 KB)

      Supervisory Board Charter

      The Supervisory Board of NN Group is responsible for advising and supervising the Executive Board, the general course of affairs of NN Group and the businesses connected with it. The Supervisory Board has drawn up a Charter which includes its duties, powers and working methods and information on its relationships with the Executive Board (and indirectly the Management Board), the shareholders and the Works Council.

      Charter of the Supervisory Board incl Annexes

      Rotation Schedule Supervisory Board
      Name Position Year of birth Date of appointment (2) Termination - reappointment date
      David Cole Chair 1961 1 January 2019 2026
      Robert Jenkins Member 1951 2 February 2016 2026
      Cecilia Reyes Member 1959 20 May 2021 2025
      Inga Beale Member 1963 20 May 2021 2025
      Rob Lelieveld (1) Member 1962 1 September 2021 2025
      Pauline van der Meer Mohr (1) Vice-chair 1960 1 January 2023 2026
      Koos Timmermans Member 24 may 2024 2028

      (1) Works Council nominee

      (2) Average tenure in years: 3.3

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