Policy and report library

Sustainability is an integrated part of our strategy, reflected in our strategic commitments and implemented in our various roles as an insurer, pension provider and bank, and also as an investor, employer, business partner and buyer. NN Group strives to structurally embed sustainability in our policies, processes and activities.  

Read more about our commitment to sustainability in the NN Group Annual Report

Read our sustainability reports and policies

Topic Policy Description
Environment Climate Action Plan 2023 The NN Climate Action Plan outlines our commitments, strategies and initiatives aimed at reducing our carbon footprint. It elaborates on our plans to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to net-zero in our own operations by 2040 and in our proprietary investments and insurance underwriting by 2050.
NN Group Environmental Statement The NN Environmental Statement sets out our approach to address environmental impacts related to our own operations, our supply chain, our insurance and investment activities, and our role as a corporate citizen.
Responsible procurement Sustainable procurement statement The NN Sustainable Procurement Statement sets out our approach to address environmental impacts and human rights issues related to our purchasing decisions and our supply chain.
Supplier Code of Conduct The NN Group Supplier Code of Conduct sets forth the conduct NN expects from its suppliers, including subcontractors.
Human rights D&I policy Our approach to diversity and inclusion is simple. It is about embracing everyone. Our Diversity and inclusion policy outlines why we invest in D&I and our objectives.
NN Group Human Rights statement We aim to create long-term value, and we respect people and the world we live in. This includes our responsibility to respect human rights and the environment. The NN Group Human Rights Statement reflects this commitment. The statement set out our approach to human rights and the environment in our various roles: as an employer, an insurer, a business partner, an investor and a corporate citizen.
Responsible investment Responsible Investment Framework Policy NN applies different Responsible Investment strategies, such as norms-based, voting, engagement, ESG integration and, as a measure of last resort, restriction. Our approach is a reflection of our investment beliefs, the organisation’s values, relevant laws, and internationally recognised norms and standards, based on which minimum requirements have been developed for the investment process. More detail on our RI approach can be found in the policy.
Biodiversity approach for our investments The white paper provides an overview of all our efforts to protect and restore biodiversity, highlighting the initiatives we have taken to integrate biodiversity in our investment strategies. We also describe the impact assessment we have conducted for our proprietary corporate investment portfolio, and how biodiversity fits with our ongoing work.
Active Ownership Report 2023 Active Ownership Report 2024 This is NN Group’s active ownership report, and provides an overview of our policies and activities related to active ownership of proprietary assets.
Exclusion List NN Group A list of companies on NN Group's exclusion list.
NN Green, Social and Sustainability Bond Standard This standard provides insight into how we put NN’s ambition and the defined impact themes into practice through investments in green, social and sustainability bonds.
Oil & Gas policy The NN Group Oil and Gas Policy for Proprietary Assets combines our unconventional and conventional oil and gas policies and applies strict criteria built on NN’s existing Paris alignment strategy.
Responsible investment guidelines real estate This guideline sets out how NN Group takes ESG factors into consideration in our real estate investments. This document is part of the Responsible Investment (RI) Guidelines for Proprietary Assets.
Arrangements with asset manager This document contains our disclosure as requested by section 5:87d of the Dutch Financial supervision Act (Wet op het financieel toezicht). The scope of this disclosure is the proprietary equity portfolio on behalf of NN’s own assets.
Responsible investment (RI) guidelines for private equity The guideline defines our approach to integrate ESG factors in the selection and appointment of new private equity managers.
Climate Solutions Investments and Impact Measurement Framework We have developed an impact measurement framework to better understand the positive impact that investees (companies, project and assets) we invest in through our investments in climate solutions have on the environment.
RI – Guidance papers Investment Guidance paper on Human Rights This guidance paper focuses on our approach to human rights in our role as an investor. It provides background on human rights and illustrates due diligence processes we apply. It further highlights relevant standards and principles to promote best practices of companies in which we invest.
Investment Guidance paper on the Environment This guidance paper focuses on our approach to the environment in our role as an investor. It provides background on environmental protection and illustrates due diligence processes we apply.
Investment Guidance paper on Labour Rights This guidance paper focuses on our investment approach with regard to labour rights. The guidance provides background information on labour rights and explains the due diligence processes that we apply. It also describes what relevant standards and principles currently exist to promote best practices, and to avoid negative impact of companies in which we invest.
Investment Guidance paper on Animal Welfare This guidance paper focuses on our investment approach with regard to animal welfare. The guidance provides background information on animal welfare and explains the due diligence processes that we apply.
Investment guidance papers on governance & business ethics The paper focuses on our investment approach with regards to governance, and highlights the international frameworks and principles that are the foundation of governance, and an explanation of how companies and industries are exposed to governance risks.
RI – voting & enagement Voting Policy for Proprietary Assets This Voting Policy for Proprietary Assets is part of our Responsible Investment Framework policy and guides the voting considerations on behalf of NN Group's proprietary equity portfolio.
Engagement Policy for Proprietary Assets Engagement is an important part of our responsible investment and active ownership activities. This policy sets out the objectives, governance and minimum requirements of engagement.
Stakeholder engagement Stakeholder engagement policy Stakeholder engagement is a vital part of NN’s efforts to earn the support of the parties with a vested interest in our company. We therefore engage in ongoing dialogue with these parties on a variety of topics, including sustainability aspects related to the strategy, products, services, businesses, and on the company’s role in society.
Responsible insurance underwriting Responsible insurance underwriting Framework Policy The NN Group RIU Policy sets out our vision and approach to integrate sustainability matters in insurance underwriting and product development. It is intended to support NN Group to incorporate sustainability matters into insurance activities. This includes sustainability-related opportunities, risk management and the consideration of adverse impacts of decision-making in our insurance activities.

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